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Native Plants for your Cañon Landscape

  • 2120 South Cheyenne Canyon Road Colorado Springs, CO, 80906 (map)

North Cheyenne Cañon is home to an abundant and diverse native plant population. Learn what native plants are growing here and how you can incorporate them into your landscape for your enjoyment and that of wildlife. By planting native plants in your landscape, you can create corridors where birds, pollinators, insects, and other wildlife can find forage and habitat.

June 7th, 6-7:30PM at the Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center

Capacity: 25
RSVP by emailing

Presenter: Allisa Linfield
Allisa is a cañon resident and volunteers in North Cheyenne Cañon Park through her role on the board of Friends of Cheyenne Cañon. She is a Colorado Master Gardener and a Native Plant Master Apprentice. Allisa is a graduate student at CSU studying horticulture with a research focus on native plants.

Earlier Event: May 7
Annual Hummingbird Festival!
Later Event: June 11
NCCP Work Day