The Amphitheater

A cliff-lined cul-de-sac southwest of the Pinnacle on the abrupt north flank of Mt. Cutler.  A variety of good sport routes are found on the solid granite and its shaded aspect makes it a good summer retreat.Approach from the parking area at 0.85 miles, about 150 feet up-canyon from the bridge, look for a trail on the left (east) side of the road.  Follow this through woods and up a steep scree slope on the southwest side of The Pinnacle.  Take a branch trail right toward the first obvious narrow amphitheater on the right (south).  Continue up the steep, rough trail to the end of The Amphitheater.Allow 15 minutes of steep hiking from the car to the cliff.Routes are listed left to right. 29. Slick Willard (5.9)30. Climbing by the Brooks (5.8)31. The Full Male Deal (5.10c) Pitch one is stellar, 95 feet.  Pitch 2 moves up right along the black streak to the cliff-top.  Rappel route with double ropes.32.Cool Runnings (5.12d/13a) A long, 13-bolt pitch.33. Project Cave Route (5.13)34. The Dance of Shiva (5.12c) 35.Crickets in the Cabbage (5.10d)36. The Disclaimer (5.11b/c)Fantastic granite edges and arete climbing! A true classic!